Sunday 28 February 2010

Problems Tracking

I have had real problems tracking using Maya Live. It seems everything that I have tried to do has failed and the tracking is always unsolvable. I have attempted to both add and remove tracking points. I realised that the problem was due to the fact that my tracking points were poor and were not defined enough from the rest of the movie clip. The other problem was, was the fact that there were simply not enough useful tracking points within the frame in the american planes landscape. I am really getting frustrated with Maya Live, I have been patient but now I am worried that I may not finish the project if I do not alter my plan of action. One way is that I could forget about using Maya Live, however this would mean that to make the animation half way decent I would have to key frame each 3D component to the camera shake of the camera. The other is to choose an entirely different scene from the film, however I discovered that not one shot is a static locked off shot. There is a final option which I am seriously considering. And that is to start entirely from scratch with a new idea and new film clip.

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